최성희 Sunghee Choi


미국 피츠버그 주립대 조교수
· 2011, National Art Education Association Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research Award in Art Education, National Art Education Association (USA)
· 2009, Penn State Alumni Association Dissertation Award, Pennsylvania State University (USA)
· 2008, the 6thNaMUworkshop(MakingNationalMuseums)Oslo, Norway (financed by the European Union Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses)
· 2007, the 2ndNaMu workshop (Making National Museums) Leicester, UK (financed by the European Union Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses)

주요 저서 및 논저

· Choi, S. (2013). Relational aesthetics in art museum education: Engendering visitors’ narratives through participatory acts. Studies in Art Education, 55(1), 51-63.
· Choi, S. (2012). The contemporary issues in museum education and its implication on Korean museum education, Journal of Research in Art and Education, 13(1), 125-143.
· Choi, S. (2010). Re-thinking Korean cultural identities at the National Museum of Korea: In S. Knell, A. B. Amundsen & P. Aronsson (Eds.), NationalMuseums:Newstudiesfromaroundtheworld(pp.290-301).London:Routledge.